As a result of the economic crisis in coffee cultivation, a group of women entrepreneurs in th area of Comasagua - El Salvador, formed Arte Comasagua, an organization of artisans who produce exquisite designs with plants and flowers of the area. These women work with wildflowers from the community, in a conscious and sustainable manner, keeping the environment beautiful and harmonious.
They now work locally caring for their families and saving for their future.
"Now I have more control over my life," says Guadalupe, who hopes to send his daughter to collge. "I can be with my family and work under my own rules."
For others like Ana Cecilia, Arte Comasagua is a source of pride and self-esteem. "Work makes me feel important as a person. I dream of flowers and create with my imagination."
Women in Arte Comasagua represent a responsible company, under a concept of fair trade, working in safe and healthy conditions.
The town of Comasagua belongs to th district of Nueva San Salvador 16 km SSW off the province capital city, and occupies an elevated plateau of the hights of the coast range at 1.150 meters above sea level.