SPEED Trust (Slum People Education & Economic Development), is a non-profit organization based in Chennai, India. The organization supports, socio-economically deprived women from the urban slum areas of Chennai. SPEED Trust partnered with Baladarshan, a fair trade network of organizations which supports various women craft producers, organizations and cooperatives working towards creating better livelihood opportunities, self-sustainability and a platform for their products.

SPEED Trust was started in 1999 at Gandhi Nagar Sathyayani Muthu Nagar, one of the largest slum areas in Chennai. The project began with a tailoring training to teenage girls from the slum community, who after a period of one year, were provided with a sewing machine by the trust. Simultaneously, SPEED Trust also set up educational programs which have helped women and girls to choose different occupations and livelihood options.
In 2002, SPEED Trust began training the physically challenged and HIV affected members from the community in the skill of basket weaving, these members were either unable to move or find work opportunities outside their homes. These unique baskets were woven out of recycled plastic (Polyethylene) wires. Apart from these magnificent baskets, the artisans at Speed Trust make several other interesting products which include, bags and aprons from salvaged billboards and hand-rolled insence and cones. The trust now runs a production unit and a showroom by the name of Varnajalam in Chennai, where they carry an array of handmade products by these women artisans.
Today SPEED Trust has been able to expand its reach, not only in the domestic, but also the in the international market. Apart from providing vocational and educational training to women and girls from the slum community, SPEED trust also gives micro-credit loans to these artisans. The loan facility helps in making them independent and their businesses self-sustainable.