The Turkmen Women’s Active Rights Association (TWARA) was conceived in 2002. With a mission to empower women and educate them about their legal rights, TWARA started work with the backward and marginalized Turkmen tribes of northern Afghanistan. TWARA works towards providing these communities with a strong economic and social structure. The organization has helped in establishing schools and health centers in the region. The members of TWARA also provide women with information about women rights and legal awareness.

The region in which TWARA operates is known to be rich in traditional handcraft practices, from fine embroidery to felt carpet weaving. TWARA has been able to help the women artisans in the communities to create marketable handmade products. The organization provides the artisans with regular trainings and skill development programs to enhance their skill and market understanding. TWARA promotes these products made by the Turkmen artisans through various international fairs and trade shows, which have helped the artisans, get a fair visibility in the international markets.
TWARA works with a majority of women artisans, which comprises of almost 90%. Apart from skill and market oriented trainings, the organization, also helps these artisans in setting up their own businesses, by providing them with available grants and micro credits. This has helped these women artisans, mostly illiterate, to grow into independent entrepreneurs. Various educational, health and technical trainings have improved the living standards of the lesser known tribes of northern Afghanistan.