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One World Projects - Uniting the World Through Compassionate Trade. Offering the world Fair Trade Handmade Gifts!
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Khabar-e-Khosh Artisan Story


Before the war, Afghanistan was famous for its crafts, including calligraphy, woodwork, ceramics, jewelry, carpets and embroidery. Sadly, 30 years of war has brought devastation and destruction to this once prosperous region, leaving large portions of its population unemployed, illiterate and barely surviving on less than $1 per day.

Today, many small business owners, including those at locally-owned Khaber-e-Khosh, work hard to preserve Afganistan's rich jewelry-making and embroidery traditions and help disadvantaged artisans become finacially independent through fair trade. Many of these artisans are women and as such, uneducated and discouraged from working outside the home. Thanks to their work at Khaber-e-Khosh, these women are able to enjoy solidarity and fellowship in a community environment while they work together to cut, shape, sand, polish and assemble stylish jewelry made from recycled glass, fluorite, lapis, carnelian, quartz, turquoise, and other semiprecious stones.

Thanks to the income they receive at Khaber-e-Khosh, many women are choosing to continue their education. Your purchase of fair trade jewelry, scarves and shawls from Khaber-e-Khosh helps Afghan artisans rebuild their lives, community and economy, a necessary factor for peace.

Lapis and Turquoise Necklace  
Price: $ 90.00
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Three strands of reconsistuted turquoise and lapis lazuli beads compliments casual or elegant occasions.

Lapis lazuli, mined in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan for over 6,000 years, was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of truth. Reconstituted turquoise, a mix of recycled turquoise dust and pieces, is more earth-friendly than working with pure turqouise, for it doesn't require distrupting the earth.

  • Measures 22" in length and secures with a hook and eye clasp
  • Additional styles available
  • Lapis earrings and necklaces available

Handmade in Afghanistan and fair trade imported.

Compassionate Trade Eco-Positive Organic Supporting Children

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